Saturday, October 29, 2011

Meeting Review 10/29/11

Today was a very productive meeting. I (Jared) worked on the hand again and might have finally finished on the comlpete desighn including the newest desighn change the magnetic sensor.Tyler finally completed the stall program and is now experimenting with using the encoders. Jaret and Ian worked on our future plow and fixed other minor flaws in our robot. Jaret and Tyler also tried programing our arm but they decided to do something else instead. Today we had a very productive meeting and I think that we are now steadying to a fairly good pace.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

october 22, 2011 practice

Today we made some good progress. Jared worked on his claw and came close to finishing it. Tyler made a turning program that because of our new wheel system could turn the robot in a very confined space. Ian worked on and finished the new wheels that include 4 wheel drive with Jaret's help. Jaret continued with the joystick. The joystick is working so much better because of the 4 wheel drive system.Videos that show what we can do with four wheel drive are above.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 15th meating

Today we did some things. Jared worked on the claw and it seemed he made a little bit of progress. I worked on the joystick and got it to work better. And Tyler worked on an inferred program hat seems to work really well and is very good.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

October 8, 2011 Practice

Today, Jaret and I dove into the new sensors, magnetic and infared. We got both sensors working in a basic manner, and I am waiting to test a more advanced IR beacon tracker. A video with the concept is on the left side. We also mounted a new "device" to the robot.

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011 Practice

Today, we worked with motors to create a stop on stall program due to burning out two motors. We finnaly have a system that stops the motors before they burn. We just need to spend five minutes to incorporate this into our programs, and then we will save the "lives" of many motors.

A picture of our stall test system is below.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 1, 2011 Practice

What We Did:

Today we added a support system to our robotic arm. We set up the final wiring and gave the arm some movement.

What We Learned:

Our team had a scary experience of our arm's motor almost burning out.
The odor of smoke was emmiting from our motor.Next time, we need to be more careful with tge arm's power and the control of "new" devices.